Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why "Conspicuously Blessed?"

So, you may be asking yourself why I have titled my page, "Conspicuously Blessed."  I have been throwing the idea around in my head whether anyone could possibly be interested in my thoughts for some time.  During the past year I have been amazed at just how many people care that I am watering, or sometimes even fertilizing my lawn at 11 or 12 o'clock at night.  The way I figure, if people are so interested in the strange quirky things I do at night enough to respond back to the post at an equally disturbing time in the morning, then maybe, just maybe, someone might really want to check into the dark spaces of my mind (as troubling as that may seem). 

As I began the very simple task of setting up a blog, I found myself completely and utterly disoriented when I had to choose a name for my page.  At one point I almost gave up and decided that, not unlike watering the lawn while David Letterman is wrapping up, my thoughts written down for anyone to see could seem a little crazy.  Nevertheless I continued for almost an hour deciding what I should entitle this new endeavor.  As I struggled with whether or not to give it a name associated with music (after all, I have been involved with music since I was 9 years old and am working as a music minister), or a pejorative religious title (since I am indeed a Christian and am employed by the church), or some strange A.D.D. induced psychotic name, the same thought kept coming to me over and over.  If I want people to know something about who I am just from a title for a blog, the most obvious descriptor is blessed.  I have a great life with a wife who cares about me way too much.  I have children that run to the car to hug me every day when I arrive at home.  I have a church family that loved me enough to hire me out of the business world into my dream job as a minister of music.  I mean, seriously...  How blessed can one guy get.

I used to think when people looked at me the first thing that must go through their mind is, "he could stand to lift something a little heavier than his fork more often."  These days I believe most people more honestly look at me and think, "Wow!  How blessed must he be?  What did he do to deserve all that?"  Good question for which I do not have a good answer.  All I know for sure is - I am blessed, and not just a little - but so much as to be highly conspicuous.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, Chris, you are conspicuously blessed. There are the dark, private places in our minds, and they need to be part of that private prayer closet where we should reside at any moment of the day or night.

    I am conspicuously blessed because out of the ashes of suicidal depression, God kept me in this life to do more work for Him and knowing that I had a faithful heart for a faithful woman. He raised me up out of the ashes, has spared me of that cruel depression, and best of all, He has given me a wonderful woman. I am ever so thankful for His conspicuous blessing of a faithful wife, Debbie, who will share my life to come, yet who also shares the heartbreak of suffering through an unfaithful partner father to her children.

    God is indeed great!
